Taylor Swift刚刚发行了她的第六张录音室专辑《Reputation》。霉霉今年27岁,然而还是被质疑新专辑里提到酒的次数未免太多了点。也是很莫名其妙,毕竟人家已经超过合法饮酒年龄六岁了。
整张专辑共15首歌,其中九首都有酒的影子。在首发单曲《…Ready For It?》中她唱道:“Touch me and you’ll never be alone/I-Island breeze and lights down low”,所以她可能只是在热带小岛上感受着微风,或者是真的在喝Island Breeze这种以朗姆作底的酒(或者两者都有)。
在《End Game》中则有“Drinking on a beach,with you all over me”,那可能真的是在小岛吹个小风喝个小酒了。
霉霉的《Delicate》唱到了一个酒吧里,有人在为她调酒:“But you can make me a drink/Dive bar on the East Side,where you at?”从这里走回好莱坞,就有了《Gorgeous》里的“Whiskey on ice,Sunset and Vine/You’ve ruined my life by not being mine”。
这个扯得有点远了,但是霉霉在《Getaway Car》也提到了一种以威士忌为底的酒:“I knew it from the first Old Fashioned,we were cursed”。
霉霉的“国王”则对酒没什么追求,在《King of My Heart》里有“With all these nights we’re spending/ Up on the roof with a school girl crush/ Drinking beer out of plastic cups/ Say you fancy me,not fancy stuff/ Baby,all at once,this is enough”。狠狠撒了一把狗粮。
《Dress》里有“I’m spilling wine in the bathtub/ You kiss my face and we’re both drunk”。第十三首歌《This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things》没落下香槟:“Jump into the pool from the balcony/ Everyone swimming in a champagne sea”。